Content Creation: Nimrod Santo Shares How to Use Podcasting in Your Content Marketing Campaign

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How do you multitask throughout the day? For those of us that lead busy lives, it can be difficult to fit everything that we would like to into our packed schedules. 

From running a business to spending time with our loved ones, finding a moment to take care of ourselves by learning, growing, or simply relaxing can seem impossible. However, podcasts have made that a more accessible task not only for someone interested in learning something new, but also as a way to market your brand!

Business Developer Marketer Nimrod Santo knows that fitting opportunities to learn and grow in wherever you can is important for any entrepreneur. Podcasts have changed the game by allowing you access to materials when you’re in the car, on the treadmill, or even in your office. 

That’s why Nimrod Santo is sharing how you can use podcasting in your content marketing campaign.

Share Your Vision

As the popularity of podcasts rises, you should consider learning a thing or two from. If you’re an entrepreneur, you should also consider teaching a thing or two on the platform. 

With a podcast, your brand has an arena where you are steering the narrative. With this auditory platform, you can share what you’re doing to attract a new network of professionals and consumers alike that can benefit your brand in a variety of ways and give you and your team credibility. 

By sharing your vision, you are marketing your mission in an organic, genuine way.

Leverage Your Knowledge

Being known as an expert in your field is important for every professional, but especially for an entrepreneur branding yourself and your company’s mission. 

The only way to earn this reputation, however, is to learn and find ways to share your knowledge. With a podcast you have a playing field to become that expert in your field and leverage your knowledge on a level that might have been unheard of without the podcast realm. 

By establishing yourself as a source, you are marketing your brand in a personal, trusted way.

Expand Your Network

There are a number of ways to scale your business and any successful entrepreneur can attest to the power of networking. After all, what is a brand without a network of clients and fellow entrepreneurs? 

Podcasting allows you to expand your network by connecting with your listeners and creating a platform that you can share with other professionals in your field. Through this, you can create an arena for your goals to thrive and grow.

Reach New Heights

If you’re considering starting a podcast, you’ve already reached new heights of creativity and innovation for your business. By marketing your brand via a podcast, not only are you expanding your client base and your name in the business, but also opening the floor to genuine conversations around your brand and your brand’s future.

In 2020, staying afloat with current trends is more important than ever. Digital marketing podcasts are a simple, convenient, and free way to get ahead of the competition. It’s for this reason that podcasting, despite being new, might be one of the best tools you can have in your company’s marketing strategy toolkit!

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