How You Can Host a Podcast For Your Business That Will Improve Your Company’s Reputation

Creating content is a huge part of marketing in today’s digital world. Consumers are far pickier than in the past in regards to the content they spend their time reading or listening to. Podcasting is a great way to create in-depth content at a reasonable price. A podcast can go further in-depth on a topic than a piece of written content can. Written content can take days or hours to produce when compared to a few hour podcast. Podcasting is a great way to establish a business as a thought leader on a specific subject. The following are tips to create a company podcast that improves the reputation of your business. 

Only Cover What Your Expertise Are 

A home improvement professional talking about bathtub refinishing is an example of sticking to your expertise. This same professional might not be well-tuned in digital marketing which is perfectly fine. Make sure the content is relevant to your business and expertise can truly shine. You know what topics you can talk about with an expert tone so take advantage of your current knowledge. 

Invest in Quality Editing Software

Your company podcast is not something you want to skimp on. You want to have great recording equipment and editing software. The podcast can come out like you have been doing them for years. Most of this equipment/software is not extremely expensive as technology has improved immensely over the last decade. Some celebs just do their podcast on their computer with minor edits to be done to reduce feedback or scratchy sounds. This can be a one-time investment and you will be able to generate quality content for years to come. 

Take Questions From Listeners 

Engaging with listeners can be done live or on a weekly basis. Answering these questions can build a sense of community among listeners. Bill Burr is a famous comedian that was one of the first to adopt a podcast that he does regularly. A number of listeners write to Bill and he answers their question in one of the most popular parts of his podcast. This can allow content ideas to be generated easily which can be difficult after doing a podcast long term. 

Bring on Relevant Guests 

Bringing on the right guest in your industry can work wonders for your company’s reputation. The other positive aspect of this is that the guest will likely promote the podcast on their social media channels. Outreach to these guests should be customized as industry giants receive invitations on a weekly basis. You should have a template of what will be discussed as certain guests might go off on irrelevant tangents. Create a list of guests that you would like to invite and see if they are willing to join the podcast. They can even do this remotely as social distancing is still a priority all over the world. 

Hosting a podcast weekly can help generate massive amounts of content. This can be in addition to your regular content marketing efforts. Transcribing these podcasts can make them easily searchable and improve your SEO rankings.

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