Jurgen Cautreels Shares Marketing Podcasts

Jurgen Cautreels: The Best Podcasts Every Marketing Expert Should Listen To

Jurgen Cautreels Shares Marketing Podcasts

Podcasts are one of the best ways to learn. They are so great that you can listen to a podcast just about anywhere and anytime you want! You can listen to them at work, on walks, and even in the shower and learn the entire time. 

Sometimes it’s not all about learning. Marketing podcasts are also great for motivation and inspiration. Jurgen Cautreels is a marketing expert with years of experience in the industry. He agrees that marketing podcasts are a fantastic tool, and he wanted to share some of his favorites with us!

So without any further ado, let’s take a look at the top marketing podcasts that Jurgen Cautreels recommends. 

The Digital Marketing

Daniel and Ciaran's Digital Marketing Podcast

Jurgen Cautreels claims to listen to The Digital Marketing podcast daily. It is the place to go for news strategies and hear everything going on in the digital marketing world. 

Daniel and Ciaran are the hosts, and they know exactly what they’re talking about. This podcast is fantastic for experts and beginners because it covers state-of-the-art strategies and developments to help you innovate your digital marketing strategies.

Copyblogger FM

Copyblogger FM podcast

Copyblogger FM focuses a lot on copywriting and content creation. It covers the best ways to create content and copyright to bring visitors in and convert them to customers. Jurgen Cautreels likes this podcast because copywriting and blog optimization are two of the most important skills that a marketing professional should have under their belt. 

In an industry as reliant on technology as marketing, professionals need to learn daily and keep up with the ever-evolving industry. 


Marketplace is less about actual marketing and digital advertising and more about the economy. Jurgen Cautreels recommends this podcast for a bit of a counter-intuitive reason.

Even if it is not solely about marketing, marketing revolves around the economy. There are so many marketing strategies that rely on how the economy is running. 

If people do not have money to spend, or many people are out of jobs, your marketing will be different. On the other hand, if everyone is booming and ready to throw around their dollars, your entire tone and presentation will change. 

Knowing how to mold your marketing strategy to outside stimuli is what separates amateurs from the big players in digital marketing.

The Smart Passive Income Podcast

This podcast is all about creating online businesses and making passive money through those businesses. Whether it be blogs, drop shops, social media personalities, or anything in between, this podcast goes over how to market them and create a living wage through the internet. 

This podcast is great for marketers because all of the things I just mentioned require marketing, and the hosts go into detail about how to perform that marketing. It offers practical advice, which is the best advice. 

Marketing School

Marketing School is a favorite of Jurgen Cautreels because the episodes are just so easily digestible. The podcasts are short and sweet, landing at around 10 – 15 minutes, perfect for you to learn essential digital marketing skills

They cover which strategies are being used, news, and many other subjects related to digital marketing. This podcast is great for giving you an idea of where to spend your time when you do your own research and learning. 

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