Mint Global Marketing Shares The Best Marketing Podcasts To Listen To Right Now

Mint Global Marketing Podcasts Recommendations

We all love podcasts, but did you know podcasts can teach you some amazing, lucrative skills? Skills like marketing! Today I talked with Mint Global Marketing, one of the leading digital marketing firms in the industry.

I wanted to figure out which podcasts their team members listen to and which ones they’d recommend for new marketers, veteran marketers, and even people just curious about the career. Mint Global Marketing agreed to share their favorite podcasts with me, and I’m very excited to share them with you, so let’s get to the list!

Everyone Hates Marketers

We’ve all seen sleazy marketers and salesmen. If not, just go watch some clips from Better Call Saul (Don’t worry, I love the show!) Marketers have always gotten a bad wrap, so podcasts like this need to exist. 

Mint Global Marketing loves this podcast because of its name and because it produces high-quality, informative content. The host, Louis Grenier, covers everything in modern marketing, from customer research to branding. The podcast is about showing alternative, morale ways to market and brand businesses and products. 

Marketing School

Neil Patel and Eric Siu are two of the most well-known entrepreneurs and marketing gurus in the modern marketing world. Mint Global Marketing has huge respect for these two, which is why they highly recommend the Marketing School Podcast. 

This podcast pretty much covers everything trending in marketing, which is why it’s fantastic for casuals and those in the business. Casuals can get a taste of what’s happening, and marketers can keep their fingers on the pulse by hearing experts and industry leaders discuss which strategies are prevailing. 

Perpetual Traffic

This podcast is a little more technical. It focuses on how to drive traffic to websites and web pages. They talk about SEO, SEM, how to create sales funnels, how to create copyright and CTAs, and much more. 

It’s one of the best entries to digital marketing if you’re interested in the career. Mint Global Marketing recommends digesting a mixture of both general podcasts like Marketing School and Everyone Hates Marketers and more targeted podcasts like Perpetual Traffic. 

Niche Pursuits

This podcast is all about affiliate marketing and targeting niche crowds. Every episode is an hour-long and goes into great detail about using niche websites and crowds to grow your brand. 

Affiliate marketing is Mint Global Marketing’s favorite form of modern advertisement, and this podcast does a great job of explaining what it is. It even has interviews with many niche website owners, where they discuss their paths to success and which obstacles they faced along the way. 

This may be the best marketing podcast for those that are unsure where they want to go and want a specific road map for success. 


Finally, let’s talk about a podcast that is less about how to market and more about marketing and advertising’s effects on the world around us. You should pair this podcast with any other marketing podcast you listen to because it will give you a lot of insight into why marketers do what they do and how it affects all of us. 

This is great for everyone, whether you work in marketing or are just interested in learning new things. It’s extremely interesting, and the host, Seth Godin, has some of the best insight into the business.

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