Thoughtful Brands Shares: Top 5 Cannabidiol (CBD) Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

The subject of cannabidiol (CBD) is one that is consistently gaining more and more attention. The substance is famed for its several health benefits with many attesting to its effectiveness over time.

Consequently, the past few years have seen the CBD market experience exponential growth. The CBD market prospects for the future are not looking bad either with the collective market in the US expected to exceed $20 billion by 2024 as projected by BDS Analytics and Arcview Market Research.

Various brands, such as Thoughtful Brands, have also emanated in the wake of the growing demand for CBD.

However, this massive attention being paid to CBD has not been particularly perfect. The internet is currently flooded with considerable misinformation about the substance, and that makes it difficult for interested people to gain accurate knowledge about CBD.

Thus, there is a need to gain information about CBD from quality sources to avoid misconceptions. This article aims to facilitate that by recommending Thoughtful Brands’ top CBD podcasts people can subscribe to in order to learn all about CBD. So stay tunned.

CBD School Podcast

From the name, it can be inferred that this podcast has to do with educating people about CBD. And it does just that.

This podcast aims to educate people about cannabis and its many uses, although it focuses more on CBD. It covers practical information on how CBD works in the body, its potential health benefits, and various products. 

The podcast also conducts interviews with the founders of leading brands to share more information about CBD. 

Adam Dunn Show

This is quite a popular podcast in the cannabis industry. It is hosted by Adam Dunn as the name of the show readily gives away.

This show is a wonderful blend of humor, entertainment, and information to give you a good time. The podcast often takes a look at history, trends, and news in the cannabis industry as well as occasionally interviewing some top players.

The CBD Ed Show with Ed Cheney

This podcast hosted by Ed Cheney, brings industry experts, researchers, health professionals, and other individuals together to share experiences and insights regarding CBD. The podcast also addresses frequently asked questions regarding CBD and its health benefits. 

The show sometimes delves into topics like how CBD relates to teens, big pharma, and the Endocannabinoid system. 

CBD Source Podcast

This show was launched in April 2019 and is based in New York City. The podcast deals with general information about CBD, as such, you can expect to hear stories and experiences different people have had with CBD as well as its benefits.

Also, the podcast features health experts commenting on new products. 

CBD Health and Wellness

This podcast also began in 2019 and is based in California. The podcast connects CBD consumers with accurate sources of information. Qualified experts are consulted to help supply facts about the current state of the CBD market and research. 

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